


Meaning of symbol mark

A symbol of dynamism and growth

The dynamic oval shape symbolizes a vibrant business.
The shape converging to the center expresses that members from all over the world meet and harmonize at one point, "JAYON Group".
The various colors used in CI represent diversity, such as the diversity of talent, diversity of ideas, and diversity of products.
It contains JAYON's infinite pride to create a truly global world in harmony with everything.

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Meaning of symbol mark

    peace, tranquility, gentleness
    I'm happy when JAYON comes
    JAYON's comfortable "business environment".
  • RED
    Passion, courage, challenging thinking
    I am happy to be a member of JAYON
    It means a passionate "member" of JAYON.
    Intimacy, Attention, Active
    “I am happy to be able to achieve my goal at JAYON.”
    It refers to the global leader training system systematically operated by JAYON.
    mystery, discrimination, individuality
    I am happy to be able to use JAYON products.
    It means JAYON's own "product" launched with the direction of happiness in JAYON.
  • BLUE
    future, hope, wide world
    I'm happy to have met JAYON.
    It means "all stakeholders" who have hope for the future moving forward with JAYON.